BATAVIA, Ohio (July 28, 2015) – The public is invited to take part in a survey about a bloodborne infectious disease prevention program that would include syringe exchange as well as education, referral to treatment, and testing of communicable diseases. The survey can be found at and is open through Aug. 31, 2015.

Clermont County Public Health is conducting this survey to learn the opinions of the community and to include them in a study on the feasibility of a blood-borne infectious disease prevention program. The goal of the study is to determine whether this type of programming would be possible in Clermont County.

Infectious disease prevention programs let people who inject drugs exchange used syringes for new ones from trained staff. These types of programs often also offer treatment resources and testing for HIV and Hepatitis C. Generally, the goal of a program is to reduce infectious diseases like HIV and Hepatitis C, reduce discarded needles in public places, and to connect people to treatment.

“The opioid epidemic is impacting Clermont County and we want to learn as much as we can from community members about their thoughts on the issue, particularly their opinions of syringe exchange as part of an approach to reduce bloodborne infections,” said Julianne Nesbit, Health Commissioner for Clermont County Public Health.

Unintentional drug overdose deaths now outnumber deaths from motor vehicle accidents in Clermont County. Hepatitis C reports in Clermont County rose 140% from 2009 to 2012. The rise is suspected to be in part due to increased injection drug use.

Clermont County Public Health is a local government agency that provides public and environmental services, regulatory compliance, nursing services and education/training to Clermont County residents. Clermont County Public Health is dedicated to the mission of protecting and improving the health of all Clermont County residents. The agency consists of five divisions and provides a wide variety of services. For more information visit or call 513-732-7499.